Flash Gear Solid VR: The NIKITA Missions online spielen

Flash Gear Solid VR: The NIKITA Missions
Redaktions Wertung:
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Klicks & Favs: 11 & 162
Kommentare: 0
Highcores: Ja
Von: squallium


Worum geht's bei Flash Gear Solid VR: The NIKITA Missions?

Welcome to the FLASH GEAR SOLID VR Trainer. Your mission is simple. Use your remote control NIKITA missiles to destroy all of the targets in each level. Use a variety of techniques to get the fastest time and claim first place. Set in a 3D environmen
Steuerung von Flash Gear Solid VR: The NIKITA Missions:
Hold to look up in fpv: A
Pause: P
Leerzeichen: Schießen
Instructions: I
Toggle crouch/stand: L shift
Quit current level: Esc
Detonate missile: W
Hold for first person view: X
Hold to look down in fpv: Z
Fire missile: Spacebar
Pfeil-Tasten: Bewegen

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Flash Gear Solid VR: The NIKITA Missions: Alltime Highscores

Flash Gear Solid VR: The NIKITA Missions: Letzte Highscores


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Bewertung des Spiels:
Sicherheitsabfrage: 4 - 1 =
