SAS: Zombie Assault online spielen

SAS: Zombie Assault
Redaktions Wertung:
Community Wertung:
Klicks & Favs: 76 & 156
Kommentare: 0
Highcores: Ja
Von: Chris


Worum geht's bei SAS: Zombie Assault?

SAS: Zombie Assault is all about surviving against waves of undead monsters. Earn money to upgrade your defenses and your guns. As levels progress, the waves of zombies become harder and harder to repel. Can you make it through all twenty gruelling w
Steuerung von SAS: Zombie Assault:
Linke Maustaste: Schießen
Wasd: Bewegen

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SAS: Zombie Assault: Alltime Highscores

SAS: Zombie Assault: Letzte Highscores


Kommentare zu SAS: Zombie Assault

Bewertung des Spiels:
Sicherheitsabfrage: 15 - 2 =
