Days2Die - The Other Side online spielen

Days2Die - The Other Side
Redaktions Wertung:
Community Wertung: ***
Klicks & Favs: 45 & 200
Kommentare: 0
Highcores: Ja
Von: toge-games


Worum geht's bei Days2Die - The Other Side?

This is a prequel/sequel to the original D2D. Ever wonder what happened to the harbor? you'll find the answer here!

Takes place during the events of the original Days 2 Die. Now you play as Sgt. Vic Radel, a member of TCPD SWAT team assigned to re
Steuerung von Days2Die - The Other Side:
Leerzeichen: Springen
Open doors / talk: E
Springen: Leerzeichen
Open inventory: I
Walk: Shift
Move right: D / right arrow
Climb up or jump: W / up arrow
Linke Maustaste: Schießen
Change to melee weapon: 3
Change to primary weapon: 1
Change to explosive: 4
Open option screen: Escape
Move left: A / left arrow
Change to secondary weapon: 2
Reload: R
Climb down: S / down arrow
Wasd: Bewegen

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Days2Die - The Other Side: Alltime Highscores

Days2Die - The Other Side: Letzte Highscores


Kommentare zu Days2Die - The Other Side

Bewertung des Spiels:
Sicherheitsabfrage: 10 - 3 =
