Super Briefcase online spielen

Super Briefcase
Redaktions Wertung:
Community Wertung: *
Klicks & Favs: 20 & 153
Kommentare: 0
Highcores: Ja
Von: torpedolab


Worum geht's bei Super Briefcase?

On your way home from work, suddenly millions of bombers appear in the sky, and there's no shelter in sight. Collect well-needed powerups, go for high score and save the super briefcase power to the most critical moments.
Steuerung von Super Briefcase:
Pfeil-Tasten: Bewegen

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Super Briefcase: Alltime Highscores

1. Platz SheWolf 483.750

Super Briefcase: Letzte Highscores

12.12. SheWolf 168.250
01.12. SheWolf 115.100
01.12. SheWolf 25.750
01.12. SheWolf 164.350
29.11. SheWolf 483.750
29.11. SheWolf 11.300
29.11. SheWolf 2.350
28.11. SheWolf 62.300


Kommentare zu Super Briefcase

Bewertung des Spiels:
Sicherheitsabfrage: 4 + 4 =
