War of the Clowns online spielen

War of the Clowns
Redaktions Wertung:
Community Wertung: *
Klicks & Favs: 16 & 163
Kommentare: 0
Highcores: Nein
Von: level234


Worum geht's bei War of the Clowns?

What the hell is going on in the circus? All the clowns are running wild. Your task is to knock out those crazy clowns or they will drive us all nuts. Just pick up the items appearing somewhere in the arena and press Space bar to use it. Hurry up. Ne
Steuerung von War of the Clowns:
Leerzeichen: Schießen
Pfeil-Tasten: Bewegen

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Bewertung des Spiels:
Sicherheitsabfrage: 14 + 3 =
