DropSum v2 online spielen

DropSum v2
Redaktions Wertung:
Community Wertung:
Klicks & Favs: 23 & 172
Kommentare: 0
Highcores: Ja
Von: nickharper2004


Worum geht's bei DropSum v2?

v2 of DropSum. Completely re-written from the ground up (I've learned how to program a bit more since the original!) and with new features...
Using the arrow keys rotate the game board to re-arrange the tiles - very useful for getting out of sticky
Steuerung von DropSum v2:
Linke Maustaste: Schießen
Rotate board anti-clockwise: Left arrow
Rotate board clockwise: Right arrow
Maus: Bewegen

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DropSum v2: Alltime Highscores

DropSum v2: Letzte Highscores


Kommentare zu DropSum v2

Bewertung des Spiels:
Sicherheitsabfrage: 5 - 2 =
