Potion Panic 2 online spielen

Potion Panic 2
Redaktions Wertung:
Community Wertung: ***
Klicks & Favs: 57 & 164
Kommentare: 0
Highcores: Ja
Von: Chris


Worum geht's bei Potion Panic 2?

Defend yourself from the waves of weird and terrible beasts by mixing your own unique killer potions. Smash them with rocks, dissolve them with acid, or asphyxiate them with vapours. Discover dozens of unique and fun recipes to use against the attack
Steuerung von Potion Panic 2:
Linke Maustaste: Schießen

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Potion Panic 2: Alltime Highscores

1. Platz pop33 94.946

Potion Panic 2: Letzte Highscores

10.06. pop33 94.946
10.06. pop33 13.731


Kommentare zu Potion Panic 2

Bewertung des Spiels:
Sicherheitsabfrage: 8 + 3 =
