Aqua Bots online spielen

Aqua Bots
Redaktions Wertung:
Community Wertung: ****
Klicks & Favs: 117 & 223
Kommentare: 0
Highcores: Nein
Von: agafgames


Worum geht's bei Aqua Bots?

In Aqua Bots you are given the role of Captain of an experimental line of submarines which have the ability to be controlled by a single person. Your goal is to complete all 8 levels as efficiently as possible to try and get the highest score you can
Steuerung von Aqua Bots:
Right movement (bottom ship): Right arrow
Leerzeichen: Schießen
Left movement (bottom ship): Left arrow
Downward movement (bottom ship): Down arrow
Upper movement (bottom ship): Up arrow
Wasd: Bewegen

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Kommentare zu Aqua Bots

Bewertung des Spiels:
Sicherheitsabfrage: 10 - 4 =
